Swadhaar eFinClass: A Sustainable Franchise model to scale Financial and Digital Literacy

The landscape for Swadhaar’s work was considerably reshaped over the pandemic with a greater emphasis on digital platforms, tele-calling channels and mobile apps. Building on our deep understanding of community trainings, Swadhaar launched the eFinClass project in December 2020, with an objective to support other NGOs in providing financial education for their communities by providing them with training expertise and content. Over time, we aim to use the eFinClass learnings to build an understanding of the gaps and opportunities for a sustainable Franchise Model to scale financial and digital literacy using a blended approach of online and in-person trainings.

Using a B2B approach, we work closely with our NGO partners to train their trainers, provide customized training content and handhold their teams through on-ground community trainings and product linkages. Our experience thus far has showed that the blended approach allows for flexibility, customization to specific participant needs and cost-efficient scale – when supported by regular access to Swadhaar’s master trainers for handholding, we saw strong learning outcomes for NGO field workers and ultimately community participants of the trainings.
